
Are pushing Banks to steel trade industry rebuild mutual trust

Early in 2012 began the Yangtze river delta region of the steel trade enterprise boss run events, it has been two years.On January 11, deputy director general of promotion department, ministry of industry and informatization Dong Baoqing, according to the ministry is "re-established the banking industry and steel industry, especially the steel circulation industry cooperation, to establish the confidence",hot rolled seamless steel pipe "(we) work is to promote the steel industry and the banking sector to build mutual trust".

Dong Baoqing, said in December last year, the ministry organized a 10 Banks registered with 10 famous enterprises seminar, mutual discussion online financial problems.It is reported, six of the 10 enterprises for steel circulation enterprises.

"Because of the iron and steel industry is indeed too big an industry, the industry out of the industry financial support was lame, so why I just said of the department to promote the banking sector,Seamless tube used in steam pipe and steel again better cooperation, draw lessons from steel trade events in Yangtze river delta, to reinforce the relationship is more important".

Data shows, in early 2012, wuxi is a continent group chairman Li Guoqing running road event was revealed after the Yangtze river delta region steel trade enterprise boss run happened frequently.

Dong Baoqing said, citing data from October to November, 2012, recovery of steel trade, bank loans struggle height,180 degree short radius elbow manufacturer similar to prosecute a total of only 27.In June 2013 to July, during the same period in zhejiang area is more than 600, the number of such cases since early August 2013, the Shanghai area on the steel trade and financial dispute within one month as high as 302.


China's e-commerce transaction volume has ranked second in the world

"Domestic steel trade business crisis is really bad, but for the development of steel industry e-commerce, promote the iron and steel circulation of short chain, is very good."Ministry of industry and informatization advance,carbon seamless steel pipe for building material deputy director of the department of Dong Baoqing think so.Relevant data shows, at present, the Chinese e-commerce transaction volume has ranked second in the world, second only to America.According to the current momentum, may in this year, more than the United States, to become the world's first big e-commerce.Comprehensive "business-to-consumer" in the field of consumer goods and means of production in the field of "B2B", China's economic power quotient index has more than 10%.

"The point is very important, it is a critical point and the tipping point."Dong Baoqing said.In China, the electricity has already from a local economic phenomenon in the past,API 5l Grade B oil line carbon steel pipe expanded into a global economic phenomenon;From circulation industry extended to manufacturing, and further extended to services and finance.Electric business impact on the economy, therefore, is a "global, drive, led and fundamental".According to the personage inside course of study introduces, "B2B" of steel industry has developed rapidly, has become an area of the investment community concern.In all industries, steel could walk in front of the electronic commerce.

In recent years, the domestic traditional steel trade industry experienced a crisis.According to the China federation of logistics and purchasing association President He Liming,astm a234 wp11 ansi b16.9 seamless tee China's steel industry are continuing slow growth situation.As a link between steel mills and the downstream customers of the iron and steel traders and logistics enterprises, facing default payment for goods orders delay, tight, thin margins, capital of all sorts of problems, such as an inventory investment, a batch of small and medium-sized companies exit the market.