Baotou steel group, according to official data at present tailings dam area has reached 20 square kilometers,Long radius 90 deg A234 pushing elbow tailings storage more than 150 million tons, more than 1700 cubic meters of water.Compared with the run of mine ore, rare earths contained in tailings grade has increased from 6.8% to 8.85% on average, niobium and thorium enrichment of ore grade were also state.
And baotou tailings dam is rich in rare earth minerals, reserves of more than the world's second largest American mountain pass mine reserves.Tailings dam is 90000 tons of thorium, thorium by neutron bombardment, available uranium 233, is an important nuclear fuel.In addition, the tailings dam also containing niobium, fluorite resources, etc.
"Tailings dam are rich in rare earth, niobium, thorium and other mineral resources, has a very high value."Inner Mongolia baotou national rare-earth hi-tech zone management committee director Ren Fu said.